Monthly Archives: June 2018

Gene-edited pigs are resistant to billion dollar virus

Scientists have produced pigs that can resist one of the world's most costly animal diseases, by changing their genetic code.

Tests with the virus -- called Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome, or PRRS -- found the pigs do not become infected at all.

The animals show no signs that the change in their DNA has had any...

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T. Rex couldn't stick out its tongue

Dinosaurs are often depicted as fierce creatures, baring their teeth, with tongues wildly stretching from their mouths like giant, deranged lizards. But new research reveals a major problem with this classic image: Dinosaurs couldn't stick out their tongues like lizards. Instead, their tongues were probably rooted to the bottoms of their mouths in a manner...

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Fossils show ancient primates had grooming claws as well as nails

Humans and other primates are outliers among mammals for having nails instead of claws. But how, when and why we transitioned from claws to nails has been an evolutionary head-scratcher.

Now, new fossil evidence shows that ancient primates -- including one of the oldest known, Teilhardina brandti -- had specialized grooming claws as well as nails....

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Dogs understand what's written all over your face

Dogs are capable of understanding the emotions behind an expression on a human face. For example, if a dog turns its head to the left, it could be picking up that someone is angry, fearful or happy. If there is a look of surprise on a person's face, dogs tend to turn their head to...

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Beluga whales have sensitive hearing, little age-related loss

Scientists published the first hearing tests on a wild population of healthy marine mammals. The tests on beluga whales in Bristol Bay, Alaska, revealed that the whales have sensitive hearing abilities and the number of animals that experienced extensive hearing losses was far less than what scientists had anticipated.

The latter findings contrasted with expectations from...

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