Recent Posts by Joseph

Understanding water's role in antibiotic resistance emergence and dissemination in Africa

Greater access to antibiotic drugs, together with their misuse and overuse, has accelerated the emergence of antibiotic resistant bacteria worldwide.

A new study now suggests that surface water dynamics are a crucial contributor to this growing global health concern.

Funded by the National Science Foundation, Kathleen Alexander and Claire Sanderson of Virginia Tech's College of Natural Resources...

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Puppy-killing disease rampant in Australia

A University of Sydney study has found that canine parvovirus (CPV), a highly contagious and deadly disease that tragically kills puppies, is more prevalent than previously thought with 20,000 cases found in Australia each year, and nearly half of these cases result in death.

Despite the extent of this disease, this is the first survey study...

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A break from the buzz: Bees go silent during total solar eclipse

While millions of Americans took a break from their daily routines on August 21, 2017, to witness a total solar eclipse, they might not have noticed a similar phenomenon happening nearby: In the path of totality, bees took a break from their daily routines, too.

In an unprecedented study of a solar eclipse's influence on bee...

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Wild chimpanzees share food with their friends

Sharing meat after hunting and exchanging other valued food items is considered key in the evolution of cooperation in human societies. One prominent idea is that humans share valuable foods to gain future favors, such that those we chose to share with are more likely to cooperate with us in the future. Despite regularly occurring...

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Louisiana amphibian shows unique resistance to global disease

Amphibian populations around the world are declining due to a skin disease caused by fungus. However, an amphibian commonly found in Louisiana, the three-toed amphiuma, has shown a resistance to the fungus, in a new study led by researchers at LSU, Southeastern Louisiana University, Duquesne University and the University of Washington. The study was published...

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