Category Archives: Medicinal News

Snowed in: Wolves stay put when it's snowing

Wolves travel shorter distances and move slower during snowfall events, according to new research by University of Alberta biologists. The effects were most pronounced at night, when wolves hunt, and behaviour returned to normal within a day. Wolf tracks across snow in northeastern Alberta.

Wolf tracks across snow in northeastern Alberta. The study found that wolves...

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Game over for Zika? KU Leuven researchers develop promising vaccine

Scientists at the KU Leuven Rega Institute in Belgium have developed a new vaccine against the Zika virus. This vaccine should prevent the virus from causing microcephaly and other serious conditions in unborn babies.

In 2015 and 2016, the world was shocked by the sudden and massive outbreak of the Zika virus in Latin America. "The...

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450 fossilized millipedes found in 100-million-year-old amber

Since the success of the Jurassic Park film series, it is widely known that insects from the Age of the Dinosaurs can be found exceptionally well preserved in amber, which is in fact fossilised tree resin.

Especially diverse is the animal fauna preserved in Cretaceous amber from Myanmar (Burma). Over the last few years, the almost...

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Some prehistoric horses were homebodies

Unlike today's zebras, prehistoric horses in parts of North America did not make epic migrations to find food or fresh water, according to a new study by the University of Cincinnati.

The findings suggest Florida was something of a horse paradise 5 million years ago, providing everything the animals could want in a relatively small area.


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Groups of pilot whales have their own dialects

In humans, different social groups, cities, or regions often have distinct accents and dialects. Those vocal traits are not unique to us, however. A new study from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) has found that short-finned pilot whales living off the coast of Hawai'i have their own sorts of vocal dialects, a discovery that...

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