
Vital role of marine predators in supplying nutrients to coral reef ecology

It's long been known that sharks help nourish coral reefs, but exactly to what extent has never been scientifically mapped out -- until now.

A pioneering study -- led by scientists from Imperial College London in collaboration with marine biologists from UC Santa Barbara -- found that the predators, through their fecal material, transfer vital nutrients...

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Insects could help us find new yeasts for big business

Yeasts are tiny fungi -- but they play key roles in producing everything from beer and cheese to industrial chemicals and biofuels. And now scientists are proposing a new approach that could help these industries find new yeasts for use in their manufacturing processes.

The strategy, which focuses on the relationships between yeasts and insect species,...

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The problem of jaguars and space in western Paraguay

The jaguar is the largest cat in the Americas and historically was found from southwestern USA to central Argentina. Today, jaguars are an endangered species throughout their natural habitat, and have almost been completely eliminated from the United States. The species has been lost from 50% of its original range, and outside of the Amazon...

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Elephant and cow manure for making paper sustainably

It's likely not the first thing you think of when you see elephant dung, but this material turns out to be an excellent source of cellulose for paper manufacturing in countries where trees are scarce, scientists report. And in regions with plenty of farm animals such as cows, upcycling manure into paper products could be...

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Long-term study reveals fluctuations in birds' nesting success

Understanding the factors that affect a bird species' nesting success can be crucial for planning effective conservation efforts. However, many studies of nesting birds last only a few years -- and that means they can miss the effects of long-term variation and rare events. A new study from The Auk: Ornithological Advances demonstrates this with...

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