Insects took off when they evolved wings
Gut instinct makes animals appear clever
Ban on shock collars in Scotland a win for animal welfare

BVA will continue to push for an outright ban on shock collars across the UK
BVA has welcomed the Scottish Government's decision to ban the use of electric shock collars and other electronic training devices.
BVA has worked alongside campaigners to ban these aversive training methods across the UK, with Wales banning them in 2010....
Industry conservation ethic proves critical to Gulf of Maine lobster fishery
Better predicting mountains' flora and fauna in a changing world
Climbing a mountain is challenging. So, too, is providing the best possible information to plan for climate change's impact on mountain vegetation and wildlife. Understanding how plant and animal species in mountainous areas will be affected by climate change is complicated and difficult.
In PloS ONE, Michigan State University (MSU) scientists show that using several sources...