Tortoises are a group of terrestrial turtles globally distributed in habitats ranging from deserts to forests and include species such as the Greek and the Galapagos tortoise. Some species evolved large body sizes with a shell length exceeding 1 metre whereas others are no larger than 6-8 centimetres. Despite a particular interest from naturalists ever...
Bonobos make themselves appear 'smaller' than they actually are

Although bonobos and chimpanzees are similar in size, bonobo calls sound an octave higher than chimpanzee calls.
Credit: Cédric Girard-Buttoz, LuiKotale, D.R. Kongo
Lop ears & bubble eyes? Avoid ‘wacky race’ towards extreme features in pets, urge vets

Lop ears & bubble eyes? Avoid ‘wacky race’ towards extreme features in pets, urge vets

Asian elephants could be the maths kings of the jungle
Asian elephants demonstrate numeric ability which is closer to that observed in humans rather than in other animals. This is according to lead author Naoko Irie of SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) in Japan. In a study published in the Springer-branded Journal of Ethology,...
New technique reveals limb control in flies — and maybe robots
One of the major goals of biology, medicine, and robotics is to understand how limbs are controlled by circuits of neurons working together. And as if that is not complex enough, a meaningful study of limb activity also has to take place while animals are behaving and moving. The problem is that it is virtually...